Get Help Paying For An Emergency Room Visit During Christmastime
Paying for emergency room visits during Christmastime can throw a real wrench in your holiday plans. When an unexpected emergency room visit occurs, it can hit your budget hard.
With Christmas just around the corner, getting the right financial help for such bills can allow you to go about your holiday plans with less financial stress. Find out which option works best for you below.
Christmas Emergency Room Visits
If you are wondering how your luck could possibly be so bad as to have landed in the E.R. so close to Christmas, don't. Hospitals often see an increase in patients at this time of year.
Christmastime happens to also be flu season, as well as other respiratory infections. People who travel for the holidays or simply have a lot of plans may forget to take vital medications, or the festivities can at times produce some very inebriated participants, resulting in clumsy and harmful accidents.
Whatever the case may be, getting an E.R. bill during the holidays can be almost as painful as the reason you went to the E.R. in the first place. If you need help paying for emergency room visits, the resources below can help.
Financial Assistance Options
If you happen to have been a patient at an emergency room recently and need help paying your bill, there are some options that can help to pay the bill.
Negotiate The Cost of Services
You can begin getting help paying for emergency room visits by negotiating with the hospital. You can speak to your doctor or someone from billing to see if any discounts can be applied for the services you received. You may even qualify for debt forgiveness depending on your overall financial situation.
Hospitals also have financial consultants for you to speak to for further guidance like setting up payment plans. Don't be afraid to reach out and see what the hospital can do for you before paying that hefty bill.
Apply For State Or Government Assistance Or Grants
If you are experiencing a hardship, you can contact your local County Assistance Office to see what programs or grants you may qualify for. The help you get from both state and government assistance can be in the form of getting enrolled in free state-covered health insurance, a grant, or even local charities.
Don't Have Health Insurance?
How could getting insurance after the fact help pay your bill? When applying for Medicaid, you will be asked if you have any recent unpaid medical bills you need help paying.
Tip: Not many people are aware, but you can also dial 211 on your phone. By dialing 211, you can get valuable information about local community services that provide help for those in financial straits.
Ask Family And Friends
In some cases, your emergency room bill does not call for the above-mentioned options, or you simply do not qualify for them. Unfortunately, you will still need to come up with the money by other means.
Although friends and family are more often than not seen as emotional support, at times, they can also be a resource for financial support. Check with your friends and family to see if they can provide a temporary loan. Who knows, someone may even gift you the funds as part of spreading the holiday cheer.
A Personal Loan
A personal loan can be another option for help paying for emergency room visits. They can provide you with the monetary help you need without digging into your Christmas budget.
Payday Loan- A Personal Loan For Emergencies
If you need a temporary financial solution, a payday loan with Carolina Payday Loans, Inc. can be what you are looking for this holiday season. A payday loan is a type of short-term personal loan that can provide you with a quick fix and fast cash for that medical bill, as well as any other financial emergency.
How Carolina Payday Loans, Inc. Can Help You
Carolina Payday Loans, Inc. offers its customers a seamless and easygoing loan process. In as fast as thirty minutes you could be well on your way to receiving a payday loan in the amount of $100 to $550. Applying is as easy as:
- Submitting a form online to have a representative contact you via phone and go over the required documents.
- A quick store visit to have your documents verified and loan amount and qualification determined.
- Complete the process to finalize the loan and receive your money within 24 hours.
Get Started Today
Don't let an unexpected emergency room visit weigh on your mind any longer. With a payday loan, paying for emergency room visits doesn't have to dampen your Christmas spirit. You could have your bill paid within 24 hours of approval. Getting started is quick and easy. Submit a quick cash online form today.
So, why wait? Get a payday advance now, so you can settle your bill as soon as today!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.