How To Get A Small Loan To Carry You To Your Next Paycheck
Almost everyone needs to get a small loan at least once in their lives. Whether it's when they're first starting out their adulthood or later in life when something unexpected happens and money is needed. Nobody is immune to cash problems. And fortunately, there are more options these days than ever before.
Back in the day, you would have to get a second job, beg your loved ones, or try your luck at a bank to get fast cash. Now, all you have to do is choose the right type of small payday loans. Even more important is the fact that you don't need perfect credit to qualify anymore.
DID YOU KNOW: The average American consumer has a credit score of 710 or less, and most live paycheck to paycheck.
Why You Might Need to Get A Small Loan
There's nothing wrong with trying to get a small loan, especially if you're otherwise responsible with money. Problems happen, and some of those problems are out of our control. So, here are three good reasons to take out a small loan before the situation gets worse:
1. Late Payments Cause Extra Fees
When you don't pay a bill on time, the collector comes calling and tacks on extra charges. In some cases, that can be several hundred dollars depending on the terms of your debt.
2. Extra Fees Can Wreck Your Budget
When extra fees mount up, you can't keep things in your budget aligned. No matter how much you work or write down, it becomes harder and harder to get ahead.
3. A Wrecked Budget Means Trouble
When your budget becomes wrecked or blown out of proportion because of late fees, other issues that may happen will hit you even harder. Over time, it may even drop your credit score.
If your credit score takes a hit or if you run out of funds before the end of the month, it will feel impossible to get things back on track. So, it's best not to let that happen in the first place. Thus, small loans may be the answer.
NOTE: In most states, including South Carolina, you must be at least 18 years old to qualify for financing.
Preparing to Get A Small Loan Quickly
Preparing yourself to get a small loan doesn't take a lot of work, but it will help you to get it quicker. In fact, there are only a few key elements involved here:
- Your budget - Determine how much money you need to make ends meet. That's only possible if you track your income and compare it to your spending.
- Your credit - You get one free credit report through all three of the major bureaus each year. So, take a look to see where you stand before applying.
- Your income - Most loans require proof of income, so try to keep your pay stubs organized and make sure you've got banking information with you.
Once you have those things prepared, it should be easier to know the amount of the small loan you need. Now, the next step is knowing where to go to get a small loan and what to do when you get there.
How to Get A Small Loan Today
Did you know that you can get a small loan for as much as $550 by the end of the day? If you get a South Carolina payday loan, you don't even have to stand in line for fast cash. Through Carolina Payday Loans, Inc., applications can be in the form of online payday loans requests or can also be done over the phone. Here's how it works:
Step 1 - Go to The Website or Call By Phone
Fill out the short intake form on Carolina Payday Loans, Inc.’s website to get the process started right away. It only takes a few seconds to complete, and then an agent will contact you within half an hour with more information. At that point, they'll also schedule a time to finish the process and get your payout sent to your bank. This is a great time to ask any questions you might have.
Step 2 – Hand The Agent The Needed Information
At the time of your meeting with the South Carolina payday loan agent, this is what you're expected to have:
- Your driver's license or a government-issued photo ID.
- Your most recent pay stub from work.
- A blank check from an active checking account in your name.
This is where things will look up for you because if you meet the basic qualifications, you'll get paid within 24 hours or less. This is why getting a South Carolina payday loan may be the smallest yet smartest financial move you'll ever make.
Small Payday Loans Are Easy And Quick
Learning how to get a small loan prevents damage to your finances when troubles come your way. Choose your loan wisely and when you’re ready, apply for your payday loans online with Carolina Payday Loans, Inc.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.