What You Don’t Know About Getting A Payday Advance In South Carolina
Payday loans are a fast, convenient, and safe way to get a little extra money until your next payday, but how much do you actually know about a payday advance in South Carolina? Despite these loans being so popular, there are many misconceptions and misunderstandings regarding this loan type.
Scroll down to learn four things you don’t know about a payday advance in South Carolina to clarify any confusion.
4 Things You Don’t Know About Getting A Payday Advance In South Carolina
1. They Are Fast
If you find yourself in a real jam and need money fast, payday loans may be an option for you. The actual in-person application process can take as little as 30 minutes to complete. In fact, you may even receive your money as soon as the same day or the next business day at the latest.
These fast processing times make payday loans an option when you are in an emergency and need money fast. You can rely on a payday loan in South Carolina to help you out when you need it most.
2. All Credit Types Are Welcome
In addition to being an option when you need money fast, payday loans are also an option if you have poor credit. Even if you have no credit at all, a payday advance in South Carolina may be right for you because all credit types are welcome. In other words, you are welcome to apply if you have good credit, bad credit, or even no credit.
3. You Only Need 3 Things To Qualify
Many loan types ask for everything but the kitchen sink when applying. This is simply not the case for getting a payday advance in South Carolina. You only need three items when you apply through Carolina Payday Loans, Inc.
You will need your driver’s license or state-issued ID to confirm your identity. This is a standard requirement that you will need for any loan type. You will also need your most recent pay stub. This pay stub proves that you have proof of income and helps you determine how much money you are eligible for.
The last thing you need to apply is a blank check from an active checking account in your name. This check is used to deposit the payday money straight into your account, so you have easy, convenient, and fast loan money.
4. You May Qualify Even If You Don’t Work Full-Time
With banks, your chances of getting a loan while having no full-time income are pretty much zero. With payday advances, the requirements are much more flexible, and some lenders, including Carolina Payday Loans, Inc. are willing to adjust to your situation and can consider alternative means of income.
This means that no matter if you make $300 per week freelancing or $100 per day as a Door Dasher, you can still apply and have all chances to get approved. The only important thing to keep in mind here is that it’s better to contact the chosen location directly to make sure their policy allows them to accept the proof of income you’re trying to provide.
About Carolina Payday Loans, Inc.
If you are interested in a payday advance in South Carolina, Carolina Payday Loans, Inc. has you covered. We offer up to $550 in payday loans. This loan amount is just right if you need a little extra money to hold you over until your next payday.
Our in-person process can take as little as 30 minutes, allowing you to get the payday advance as soon as the same day you are approved or the next. Although you will have to formally apply in the store, you can get started right now by filling out our inquiry form.
Once you fill out this form, a representative from the closest location will give you a call and set up an appointment. At the time of the appointment, bring your required items and formally apply. The process is fast, convenient, and safe. All of your information is kept confidential, even when it’s submitted through the inquiry form.
Get Your Payday Loan Today
Many people have heard of a payday advance in South Carolina, but there are many misconceptions and outright false information about this loan type. As we learned above, payday loans are fast, welcoming of all credit types, and easy to qualify for. You can even get started now.
To get a payday loan online from Carolina Payday Loans, Inc., fill out the inquiry form on our Home Page. We’ll get back to you shortly to set up an appointment for a formal application.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.